Sunday 29th March 2015 - HK Sevens #1 (Drinks)
This weekend, I went to the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens and had possibly the most ridiculous/funny weekend of my life. So much so, that it would be a crime to dedicate only one blog to it. So I am divvying it up into daily snippets for your pleasure.
You're welcome.
So, here goes, thought number 1 ... *drum roll* ... DRINKS.
Drinks are sold in litre sized glasses at the Sevens. I'm still undecided as to whether this is a stroke of genius, or the worst idea in the world. Gin & tonics tend to do enough damage when served in small tumblers. So you can only imagine the carnage that ensues when you've been drinking LITRES of the stuff for 9 hours.
Especially when mixed with several litres of pimms, one of which can be seen in the fun photograph below.