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Tuesday 4th August 2015 - Dragons Back Hike #2

For 6 months I have lived a hike-free life, due to a particularly bad, tequila-related, experience back in February. A quick summary for those of you who didn’t hear about this – I was in my clothes from the night before, producing tequila out of the pores of my face, and in such a foul mood I refused to speak or acknowledge the views. Not a successful day all in all.

So last night when a friend suggested that we should live a life of health (this was 3 vodka lime and sodas down the line), I was understandably apprehensive. Even more so when I woke up this morning and realised that it was a particularly sunny, sweaty August day in Hong Kong.

But you know what, it was bloody lovely. Not only did I lost about half my body weight in water, but there were some cracking views and it wasn’t half as long or hilly as I remembered.

Also the MTR station you go to sounds a bit like Chaka Khan which, as an avid fan, is as good a reason as any to go. This was legitimately my thought process.

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