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Saturday 12th December 2015 - Christmas Shopping

Christmas is a glorious time of year when shopping is necessary. My bank account sure ain’t happy, but who cares when wandering around malls is a justified use of time. I’m currently having a break from shopping because I’m totally fatigued, but whilst admiring the gorgeous décor surrounding me in this little boutique coffee shop it has dawned on me that gifts probably aren’t my biggest expense. I think I might actually be to blame:

1. Expensive cappuccinos

They taste really good, and that's all the justification I need. Plus caffeine is required when working out what to buy for Dad. I’ve seen his sock drawer and it’s overflowing, so now I’m stumped.

2. Festive wardrobe

With Christmas parties happening left, right and center it is imperative that you have enough fashionable ensembles to see you through. Sure, I could wear things I already own but when you’re shopping anyway and there’s a totally gorgeous dress right there. Well, it would be criminal not to buy it.

3. Shoulder surgery (potentially)

Carrying Christmas gifts has resulted in a shoulder injury. Hey, maybe I’m just too generous with my gifts. Or maybe purchasing 5 heavy books at once is something only body builders should attempt.

Damn it.

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