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Thursday 21st January 2016 - Thoughts Rethought #10

Saturday 10th October 2015 – Avocados

Have you ever come close to tears in the fresh produce aisle? I have. Because, for the first time in about 5 months, THERE WEREN'T ANY AVOCADOS. Not one. Nada. Nil.

Now, as a real-life avocado addict, this sent me into panic mode. So I rocked on down to the confectionary aisle and bought a variety of unhealthy foods to help me through the cold turkey phase.

This all went down last night, so you can imagine the tears of joy which very nearly started erupting from my heartbroken avocado-deprived eyes when a whole new batch of delicious, smushy green darlings welcomed me into the supermarket this evening.

All is, once again, right with the world

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