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Monday 23rd March 2015 - Body Combat

I've been transformed by this gym class. I am now, officially, a kick-boxing fiend and a kung-fu master. And all after just two sessions.

In my first class, the instructor happened to make eye contact with me whilst yelling 'YOU ARE A WARRIOR'. Coincidence? I think not. He saw my weedy punches and thought 'damn, that red-faced girl can upper-cut like a pro, and she's quite clearly found her chi'.

I'm so fierce that, tonight, I was upper-cutting so hard, I punched myself in the face. I'm hoping that nobody noticed my moment of dazed shock. Particularly the instructor, because I don't want him to strip me of my warrior title.

Also hoping that the slight, yet unmistakable, swollen lump above my eyebrow will disappear sharpish.

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