Saturday 30th May 2015 - Kareoke
I, like most people, assumed that kareoke would be the worst activity for a severely hungover person. However, I experienced my first...
Friday 29th May 2015 - Ozone
Last week I threw caution to the financial wind and took a sip of the high life. Quite literally actually, as the venue was the highest...
Thursday 28th May 2015 - Milk
Now I am all for the quaint and vintage. But I have no time for Hong Kong’s milk cartons, which are just impractical and messy. The...
Monday 18th May 2015 - The Peak Tram
So, everyone bangs on about this. But I wasn’t a mad fan. 1. It is very vertical. You pass buildings at an unnatural angle. 2. In place...
Sunday 17th May 2015 - Dehumidifier Boxes
These clever little contraptions are like wee sidekicks for my beloved dehumidifer machine. They don’t require any electricity. Nothing...
Saturday 16th May 2015 - Birthday
THE OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN. ONLY ONE MONTH UNTIL THE BIG DAY GUYS WOOO! (If you aren't a fan of overly excited people, I would...
Friday 15th May 2015 - Tai Chi
In addition to my kung fu-ing, I have continued to expand my exercise related horizons and dipped my toe in the tai chi pool. The arm and...
Thursday 14th May 2015 - Lift Buttons
In my lift there’s a wee sign which claims that the buttons are sterilised every hour. 1. This is a little over the top, no? Surely there...
Wednesday 13th May 2015 - Summer #3
Apparently sweaty upper lips are unavoidable. Which is not something I am excited about. Damn the humidity.
Tuesday 12th May 2015 - Amber Rain
The weather is flipping temperamental over here, I’ll tell you. One minute it’s glorious sunshine, and you’re staring out of the window...